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Easy-to-use medicine dispensing robot to support independent living at home

Axitare’s automated medicine dispensing system makes medication safe and frees up the carer’s time for other tasks.

Axitaren lääkeannostelijat ovat aidosti helppokäyttöisiä.

Guides, serves and notifies

Axitare’s automatic medicine dispenser has been developed to support elderly people living at home. It provides additional security for elderly living at home and frees up the time constraints of home care workers when it comes to administering medication. At best, carer visits related to only administrating medicines are made unnecessary. The time previously used on these visits, can be used to focus on other type of care work.

Automatic medicine dispensing robot by Axitare

Easy to use for the customer

The Axitare electronic medicine dispenser serves the dose directly from the device without the customer having to press any button or touch the device at all. The medicines are dispensed in familiar plastic cups.

Clear voice control

When it is time to take the medication, the audible voice of the device will indicate that the time has come to take the medicine and addresses the customer by their name. The language options of the device are Finnish, Swedish, Danish, English and Russian.

Alerts for missed medication

If the customer doesn't take the dose of medicine offered by the device, the carer and, if desired, the relatives will receive information about this. The device takes the dose back inside, and if everything is in order, the dose can be served again to the customer through remote administration.

Remote administration of medicines

Medication doses can also be served remotely. In this case, the carer releases the medicines to the customer in real time from the remote care system by means of Axitare’s cloud-based user interface.

Easy to use for carers

The device is very easy to use for carers as well. It takes about 10–20 minutes to fill the device with servings that last for two weeks. The device can be easily managed and information can be checked using a phone or computer.

Remote care system

The dispenser is connected to an easy-to-use remote care system that manages the dose information of medicines given to the customer. The remote care system is used in the internet browser.

Axitaren muistuttava lääkeannostelija pitää huolen, että lääkkeet tulevat otetuiksi.

A holistic service model – not just an medicine dispensing robot

The automatic dispensing robot is part of our comprehensive service, which also includes an online remote care system and our customer support. We offer the equipment for use by home care service providers with a rental model – we are responsible for the maintenance of the equipment and provide user support every day of the year.

Axitaren muistuttava lääkeannostelija pitää huolen, että lääkkeet tulevat otetuiksi.

Supervised administration of medicines over a video connection

The service also features a controlled remote administration functionality. It can be used when you want to make sure through a video connection that the customer takes their medication.

In this case, a video screen is installed in connection with the device, and carers will be able to monitor the customer’s medication intake from their own workstation.

Lääkerobotti muistuttaa lääkkeenotosta selvällä suomen kielellä.

The medication dispenser leaves nothing unclear

If there are a lot of medicines to take and they need to be taken at certain times, managing the whole can be quite complicated. However, the automated medication dispensing system that we have developed eliminates all the inconveniences and hassles associated with medication.

Based on the information entered into the remote care system, the device provides the medication at the right time and with the right dose.

If the medicine is not taken, the dispenser reminds the customer with a voice reminder every three minutes for a predetermined period of time. If the medicine is still not taken, the device takes the dose back inside, informs the carer and, possibly, the next of kin of the situation. After receiving the notification, the carer verifies the customer’s situation and can release the medicine to the customer remotely.

Lääkerobotti muistuttaa lääkkeenotosta selvällä suomen kielellä.
Automaattinen lääkeannostelija tarjoilee lääkkeet tutussa lääkekipossa.

Clear user interface for the management of medicine dosing

The Axitare automatic medicine dispenser is managed from its user interface, which we call the remote care system. The remote care system is wirelessly connected to the automatic pill dispenser. The user interface is accessed via an internet browser.

In addition to carers, relatives can also, in some cases, have access to the remote care system. The remote care system contains all the necessary medication and usage information. All changes to the selected doses are also made in the system.

Carers can find and access the remote care system conveniently on their smartphone or mobile device.

Automaattinen lääkeannostelija tarjoilee lääkkeet tutussa lääkekipossa.

Customer support every day of the year

Axitare’s customer service team assists carers in matters related to the use of the device every day of the year from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. We’re just a phone call away.

Our clients

Our dispensers can already be found in more than 2,000 homes, making everyday life easier and safer. Here you can see our clients who already offer our services to their own customers.

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We are a fully Finnish company

Axitare is a fully Finnish health technology company with its own equipment manufacturing and technical support located in Helsinki.

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